Profil użytkownika Robbertoxx - wpisy na forum

871-900 z 1454
shopping center, mall ..zamiast 'shopping centre" ,tube station" zamiast 'underground station' 'aid plasters - bandades" , car park - parking lot i pewnie troche inn…
Owszem tak, chociaż nie aż tak bardzo, Amerykanin powie raczej :' I just did it already' a Brytyjczyk ' I've just done it already , Amerykanie czesciej uzywają " gotta " …
I only put my private opinion across at that moment ;) Everyone has right to agree or disagree with it.…
albo : the situation has turned.…
The World is set to crumble and we have only a small chance to get out of it relatively unscathed , understood? I'm glad thank U :)…
jesli ma cos dotyczyć , to ja bym uzył np.czasownika 'concern '.…
She turned and lookED at me:)…
A woman I mentioned , was used to be ...itd..I too tired at the moment .…
i won't be doing this for you , do you think it'd be good idea being backed by translator or something like that? i tell you something, i've learned all by myself and nobody had been wi…
it's all not that too good ,not really :(…
well,You know what? the same goes to some phisician 's stuff for an instance " : determine the ones of those which don't belong to a Furier set of unbound the particle's state and…
at the end of the day, ,it's you to correct me ,for an instance MG, Terri and co :) I'm just trying the best I can and honestly, I've never been backed by any translators or anything in…
a moze to phrasal verb ??? dlaczego niekoniecznie ? to be between the ocean and deep blue sea - to tez phrasal verb or what ?albo : if you fell over the heels in love with somebody ? albo jesli powi…
albo : ' round -the clock air raids has just turned a small village into dust " - mysle ,ze podobny sens jak, z ' frog " co Terri dała.…
one thing led to another- to nie znaczy 'od slowa do slowa' ,to jest idiom a idiomów nie wolno tlumaczyc doslownie, : najbardziej prawdopodobne to :" jedna rzecz jest konsekwencją kolej…
Happines is fleeting can by no means keep it for too long .…
I 'm sorry that I haven't written for so long because I was busy doing a preparations for ..tak bym tak dal , dalej tez bym pozmienial .…
Można też: " You are not allowed to smoke here" ,ale to i tak mniej lub wiecej wyraza to samo.…
It is going to be something I can't figure out ,..hmm, no offence intented but how comes that they have not fired you so far ,mate ?…
Uzywają wiecej " potocznej mowy" niz kiedykolwiek przedtem , nie ma sztywnego podzialu na BrE i AE. Moge sie mylic, tak ja to odbieram, Ze zrozumieniem nie jest tak zle .…
Too right, the only one thing that it doesn't concern is sex,imo.…
np :WHO is a very hard-working? volonteerS…
doesn't(zla forma) make sense (aż prosi się dac tutaj ' np : " to me ") mozna tez : can access the internet so easily/ too easily if we let...,nie rozumiem do czego sie tu odnosi…
hurting ? hmm, /I can't stand properly because my knee's hurting/ mocne slowo , dalbym 'sore throat"…
różnią się slowami,...mozna tez ( a nawet uwazam ,ze ładniej brzmi) powiedziec : The audience gave it up to him / gave him a round of applause.…
Steven Ambrose - " Band of Brothers" , " D Day"…
love HIS job,.. and awake…
I don't have children at all, ..not that I would not like in the future , but for now on , I think I would simply run out of patience picking up all these toys being scattered all over the place…
Zielonosiwy @ , I think that the both ones would be good ,but depending the context given. I just meant the period before I got my action going. Before so called the moment of " then" ..…
871-900 z 1454