Profil użytkownika engee30 - wpisy na forum

>I'm writing to let you know that last Monday my parents {and I moved} to >{a} new house because {our} old house was {too} small. The {new} house is in the suburbs. >It's {nice} a…
A non-finite clause is a clause which is based on an infinitive or a participle and has no tense. A finite clause is a clause based on a verb group which indicates tense, such as `went', `is …
>To zdanie oznacza cos w stylu: moglbys mi nie przeszkadzac? *grywam na >gitarze! (sorry, nie moge wymyslic lepszego przykladu w tej chwili) >*gram powinno byc rzecz jasna no widzisz pak…
Marc doesn't think it's a good idea to go to Spain. jest lepsze od >Marc thinks that it is not a good idea to go to Spain. Sandra {isn't working} today. She's doing her comp…
>-> Good morning Mr. Abbasi. > >>> Good morning. Who are you? > >-> I am {} Farrah Keating's sister. My sister knocked down your >daughter a few {weeks} ago. &…
no to jeszcze takie cos: 'to be wont to do something' (bardziej literacko)…
Takie prostsze The Vatican denied having sent any condolences anywhere on the death of Lenin. After I had left my girlfriend's place, I couldn't remember where to go. That study, more t…
be in the habit of doing something…
no to juz ci nie pomoge :(…
dobra moze pomoge jak jest jeden uzytkownik to jego folder nazywa sie '1', a w nim jeden plik o rozszerzeniu .txt (pelna nazwa 'ustaw_phg1_2003.txt'), oraz dwa bez rozszerzenia o …
No niestety smiem twierdzic, ze Edgarowcy tym razem sie nie popisali :| Jak zauwazam z twoich wpisow sa to na ogol slowa podobnie brzmiace (lub podobnie pisane). Problem w tym, ze programisci piszac …
non-finite adjectival clause…
dla 'have got' bedzie 'I've got/you've got/we've got/they've got' Jezeli chodzi o pojecie 'miec', mozesz uzywac obu wersji, z przewaga 'have/h…
Napewno da sie, ale pierwsze co musisz wiedziec, to to jak sie nazywa plik zawierajacy informacje danego uzytkownika (profilu). Potem trzeba uzyc program do odzyskiwania danych (dane niechcacy skasow…
>2We might as well go for a coffee as the film won't start for another >hour. >SINCE {the film won't start for another hour, we might as well go for a coffee}. >3As soon as …
Sam pisze od czasu do czasu podobne aplikacje, i jest to niestety blad, ktorego nie zawsze mozna wylapac zanim sie caly program wysle na rynek :( Ja bym radzil skontaktowac sie z Edgarem i napomknal …
>The production line has been stopped for 5 hours. znaczy Linia produkcyjna stoi od 5-ciu godzin. >Linia produkcyjna była zatrzymana na 5 godz. bedzie The production line was stopped for fi…
Ever since she had a heart attack, my mum has been in poor health.…
something can be addressed to somebody you can be addressed by your surname…
Sprawa jest podjeta przez kogos...…
byc moze nie uzywane, ale napewno wyciagniete z oryginalnego pudelka…
People don't give a flying f*** about your life.…
dokladnie tak :) ...but is nothing but pink for girls harmful? ...ale czy brak innych kolorow jak roz dla dziewczat jest szkodliwy?…
He's got (= has got) a knife in his pocket. He has a knife in his pocket. To pierwsze jest rzadziej uzywane w US, ale oba znacza to samo po obu stronach oceanu.…
>where are you from? >I would like to know where you {are} from. >Could you take me to the airport? >Is there any chance {to} take me to the airport? >Does Susana like classical…
>It happened at the airport OK >I got there by car OK >I was there for 3 weeks OK >I was there with my friends OK >It was great there OK >Our baggage was lost OK >We went to…
chyba nie ma czegos takiego jak 'non can do'; jest tylko 'no can do' = nie da rady…
No to sobie poogladalismy :( Wlasnie w trakcie ogladania programu dostalem po oczach taka oto wiadomoscia: Unauthorised Location The use of TVCatchup is restricted to persons located within the Un…
ja bym to zdanie przetlumaczyl jako: Ten zabieg na nic sie zda.…