Profil użytkownika engee30 - wpisy na forum

>Z tego co kojarzę, to na "Five" CSI New York w soboty leci wieczorem no tak, dokladnie Sobota 22:40 Five (wg TV GUIDE) ;)…
oj panowie dzieki za feedback :) kiedy pierwszy raz po powrocie do kraju wszedlem na tvcatchup i zalogowalem sie na swoj profil (angielska rejestracja), nic nie moglem ogladac :( a teraz, prosze da s…
hey, czy ktos w Polsce moglby wejsc na ta stronke, i sprawdzil czy mozna ogladac te programy. Bo u mnie smiga slicznie :) a jestem w Polsce!…
the English language…
>range- zakres, zakres, szereg >stuck- zaciąć sie >voucher- bon kupon >facilities-obiekty; uslugi > >Te słówka należy wstawić w zdania. > >1. The new shopping mall has a…
>4.Can I help you? > >a)Just great >b)I'm just looking >Odpowiedź {B} > > >5. Excuse me, there' s something wrong with this toy. >a)That's fine. >…
My car needs repairing. lub My car needs to be repaired. lub I need to have/get my car repaired.…
>Every year {} about {a} million animals {die} in {Poland alone}. They die because >people kill animals for their fur. Many people think that this is >immoral behaviour and {I} consider mys…
oba sa poprawne, ale maja dwa rozniace sie od siebie znaczenia…
>My favorite {place} is my own room. {It} is on the first floor {of} my house. >I like {it} because {it} is always {quiet} and I can {} think {in it in silence}. >My room {is located} betwe…
So you've got a full-time job to do, I guess :( I've never been an au pair, but I know how hard it is sometimes to take care of a small kid. The kid I had to look after from time to time wa…
hey you don't have to feel so lonely, just turn yor tv on and choose one of my favourite channels, like Channel4. What ages are the kids you're looking after then?…
eva ja tak specjalnie - chcialem cie wywolac :)…
ja tylko zaczne, inni sie przyloza i dokoncza My grandma was born on 16 August 1927, and died recently on 24 December last year.…
na forum sie bardziej nada taka wersja :)…
Verbs Followed by an Infinitive afford At last I can afford to buy a new car. agree He agreed to work on Saturday. aim We aim to please all our clients. appear I appear to have fo…
puszczajac muzyke house w naszych zgliszczach…
>yes, you can 'make small talk', ale conversation is something that >you 'have' yes madam, you're right about that, but 'to make small talk' is the same as…
nie mozna powiedziec 'make a conversation' tak jak terri zauwaza, ale tylko tak jak artur przepisuje 'make conversation', co znaczy cos podobnego do 'small talk'…
nie sadze, raczej tylko 'have a chat'…
jest juz pozno, a buszu chcial jak jaszybciej odpowiedz otrzymac ;)… tego wszystkiego.…
I didn't do it intentionally. vs I did it intentionally.…
>czyli 'in next two weeks' jest niepoprawnie ??? zgadza sie > czy w twierdzeniach 'za 2 tygodnie/miesiace' uzywamy 'in two >weeks/months time ?? albo mowisz [i…
>2. The attractive girl is our teacher's daughter. You are poking fun >at her. >The attractive girl ______________________ our teacher's daughter. >Ja zrobiłem tak: >The a…
>1. She must wear only flat shoes now because she didn't take proper >care of her feet when she was young. >if she ___________________________ flat shoes now. >I ja to zrobiłem tak…
po co komu znac etymologie slowa, skoro i tak wsiadajac do jakiegos pojazdu nie bedzei o tym myslal :| prosta regulka - wsiadasz do pojazdu transportu publicznego, w ktorym jest swego rodzaju swobo…
tak, 'would' zastapiloby 'will' wedle zasad nastepstwa czasow w mowie zaleznej…
I've been told/informed that I will have a training in two weeks' time.…
>Czy można wymienić to pierwsze as na so? i jeszcze na ... such a good >g. player as ... mozna…